Review: Snail Vibe Duo
I fell in love! My knees got weaker; the world's been pulled out from under my feet. Who or what managed to turn my world upside down after the first use? A snail. A snail vibrator. This time I am happy to present you with the Snail Vibe Duo toy.
Even before I met it in person, it caused me many headaches when deciding to buy, or better said, its price caused me headaches. I first noticed the erotic toy on the Instagram profile of one of the toy reviewers. My heart was encouraging me: "Yeah, buy it. You have to try it!" But my brain was not approving: "No, no, no, you can't afford that right now. Take something more suitable for your wallet."

I was rethinking the costs; I was calculating like an accountant; even a calculator was tired of me. It has taken my blood, sweat, and tears. I can't, maybe next month. When I told my colleague the next day, somewhat disappointed, how I could not afford a "new dress for one hundred and twenty euros", she unknowingly became my savior. "You will get your paycheck tomorrow." Could there be anything more beautiful? In that instant, I could open the computer and order the toy I was longing for.
A few days later, it rang, and in order not to get a notification in my mailbox, it catapulted me off the chair. The Snail Vibe Duo je bil pred mojimi vrati. Končno! Ob izbiranju igrače v spletni trgovini nisem bila preveč pozorna na vse, kar paket vsebuje, zato je bilo moje zadovoljstvo še toliko večje, ko sem iz kartonaste škatle potegnila torbico, ki me je takoj spomnila na toaletno. Bila je trda in dovolj velika, da bi vanjo lahko pospravila še kaj drugega. Ker me je predvsem zanimalo, kaj se skriva v njej, sem nežno potegnila zadrgo in jo odprla. Vijoličnemu polžu so priložena še krajša navodila za uporabo in polnilec, ki v nasprotju z mojimi pričakovanji ni bil magnetni. Ne da bi bilo s tem kaj narobe, vendar sem se navadila na luksuz ne iskanja majhne odprtine za polnjenje.

The vibrator is designed for those who find it hard to experience vaginal orgasms, so for me. I know this is just another sales tactic, as Snail Vibe is basically a rabbit vibrator, only its house moves up and down the vibrator. The base is solid. On one side of the vibrator, the tip is intended for a G-spot massage, and on the other side, you will find a ball on which there are four large and well-responsive buttons. With one pair of buttons, you choose between different power strengths and vibration patterns of the snail house, and with the other, you choose between the vibrations of the snail tail or the insertable part. The latter concerned me most, as it is pretty stiff and inflexible.

For a start, I only tested the house's vibration, which also interested me the most. I leaned it against my clitoris and turned the toy on. I was surprised by its silence. Not knowing what I was pressing, I walked through five patterns (pulsing, waving, waving with cessation), then moved my finger a little further to the left and pushed the plus button. Yes, every pattern has four vibration powers! Finally, the function I was waiting for a long time. That was my last thought, and after fifteen seconds, I was already feeling the shivers all over my body.
I took a deep breath and prepared for the next round. Fearing that a scream of satisfaction would come even before I could reach the strongest level of vibration, I turned off the house, powered up the tail, and inserted it into the peach. I was surprised as the hard tip is shaped to press on the G-spot gently and doesn't cause any pain. The snail house touches the clitoris at all times, regardless of the position you choose or the speed at which you move the toy. The vibration settings are the same as for the house. I managed to get to the highest power level, and even though the clitoris attachment was turned off and just touching the button, I experienced another orgasm. Maybe the trick lies in the help of the snail house.

I repeated this exercise every day when I could; a minute and a half was enough for me to experience an orgasm. One day, when I had enough time, I tried the house and the tail together. You can combine vibrations in six hundred different ways. Before I could even get in the mood, the big O was already knocking on the door. And another. And another.
During testing, I noticed only two downsides of the Snail Vibe Duo vibrator: the difficulty of washing the narrow space between the house and the tail and the slightly louder sound if you use the vibrations of both parts at once.

Nevertheless, its good qualities blew me away. I don't know if any vibrator tested this year has impressed me that much, both in appearance and operation. If I compare the euros I spent and the drops of pleasure it gave me, I can say that the latter were predominant. I will gladly surrender to the snail's touch every time our time comes.
You can buy it here: